
Showing posts from December, 2013

Error when defaulting field value using paramaters on form

Seems to be a bug in CRM 2013 Online RU1 that generic error occurs when defaulting a lookup field value using parameters on form. I had the following code:        var parameters = {};              parameters["new_customid"] = "621E9F4C-AD5C-E311-84F4-D89D67768C0C";              parameters["new_customidname"] = "Record Name";        parameters["new_customidtype"] = "new_customentity";        Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("new_anotherentity", null, parameters); to pre-populate the 'new_customid' lookup field but generic error occurred. Searched on the web for a bit and found Form Query String Parameter Tool, and noticed that the last parameter ["new_customidtype"] is not required. However, CRM SDK states that this last parameter is required. Nonetheless, removed the last parameter and it works now.

Component Dependency Error when deleting a managed solution

Encountered more issue when deleting a managed solution from Dynamics CRM 2013 Online. I attempted to delete the solution from the usual location, ie. navigate to Solution, then click on Delete for the solution selected. The system went through the component dependency check process as usual and found dependent components of SDK Message Processing Step. Error as shown below. I then checked the plugins and its steps. I removed all of them using Plugin Registration Tool and tried to delete but same error occurred. It turns out there are some Processes (could be Workflow or Business Process) which have the reference to those fields. Once I deleted those processes, the solution was then successfully deleted.

Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved

Have a client using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Online, and I was trying to connect using Plugin Registration Tool from SDK (v5.0.16) but received error: Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved . Came home from office and tested it at home and it worked fine. I immediately realised this has to be proxy server configuration that caused the problem. So, quick search on the web and found the following article: Essentially, we can use app.config file to specify the proxy settings. Example provided in the article above:            However, it didnt work for me. Then, I found the following: Then updated the config file to the following     Hope this post helps someone out there.

Error when deleting a managed solution - 'State code or status code is invalid'

Tried to delete a managed solution in CRM 2013 Online today, and got the following error message: Downloaded the log file, it contains something like: Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: 1 is not a valid status code for state code SavedQueryState.Inactive on savedquery.Detail:    -2147187704     1 is not a valid status code for state code SavedQueryState.Inactive on savedquery.   2013-12-18T01:54:19.4259034Z     It turns out, the error occurred because I have deactivated some Public Views of the entity(ies) included in the solution. So, I opened the Default solution and after reactivated them, I can then delete the managed solution. Seems like a bug in Dynamics CRM.