CRM 4: Report security issue when CRM database is imported

Avoid at any cost to import your CRM database if you do not want to screw up your Report security. The problem symptoms noticed:
1. New reports added are not visible to users of other business units even though the reports have been set to Viewable to Organization. 
2. Existing reports viewable to organisation are visible after import, however, once modified (eg. change report area, category, etc), the report becomes not visible.
3. Existing report Owner lookup is broken. The Owner's name is gone and clicking on the Owner lookup will display 'Record is not available' screen.

Although I do notice if the report is assigned to new user, the report becomes visible to that user even after the report is assigned to other user. However, I cant imagine the tedious repetitive exercise of assigning the report to hundreds of users.

The solution can only be obtained via CustomerSource for now. It involves running some SQL scripts to update some GUID values in PrincipalObjectAccess and SystemUserPrincipals tables. The solution is not generic and is specific for each organisation.


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