
Showing posts from March, 2014

Change color of service calendar timeblock appearance in CRM 2013

The project I was working needs the service calendar feature in CRM 2013 and the business needs to customise the color of appointment based on the status. Looked into the CRM 2013 SDK help file and discovered the way to achieve this, but the content was probably hasn't been updated for CRM 2013 due to UI change to flat style. So, here is how to do it: 1. Create a new webresource of CSS type. 2. Set the Display Name to 'AppointmentBookConfig'. 3. Open the Text Editor and place the new CSS style in the content text box. Use the following format to define the new color. div.ganttBlock[entityname] Status[statuscode] {     background-color: #FFC251; } For example, for Appointment with Free status: div.ganttBlockappointment Status1 {     background-color: #FFC251; } 4. Publish and refresh the Service Calendar screen. You should now see the updated color of appointment timeblock. Another tip, the CSS class is case-sensitive and must match the c...

StateCode and StatusCode List

Very useful list of statuscode and statecode.

Error in workflow sending email: "You cannot send email as the selected user."

I have a workflow which sends notification email from a dedicated CRM account, eg. email reminder when a contract is reaching its expiry date. The following error occurred when executing the workflow: "You cannot send email as the selected user. The selected user has not allowed this or you do not have sufficient privileges to do so." To resolve the error, there are two things to check: a. The dedicated CRM account must allow other users to send email on its behalf. Login to CRM webclient as the user, Go to Options -> Email tab, then tick the option 'Allow other Microsoft Dynamics CRM users to send email on your behalf.' b. Any other users executing the workflow must be given the privilege to send email on behalf of other user. Go to Security Role, under Business Management, tick the 'Send Email on behalf of other user'.  However, I feel reluctant to allow most, if not all, users the ability to send email on behalf of other users as it...

Custom Report created via Report Wizard not working

Installed CRM 2013 On-Premise, built in report works fine but custom report created via Report Wizard is not working. Error detail below: Log Name:      Application Source:        MSCRMReporting Description: Report render failure. Error: An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) To fix this, simply add the following SPN: setspn -s http/[crm server name] [domain]\[crm service account] for example: setspn -s http/crm ad\crmsvc